State Board of Education District 4

Stacy Matula

Stacy Matula (Republican)

Stacy Matula:

Stacy Matula:


Parents are indeed the primary educators of their children, and their input on what is taught in classrooms is invaluable. It's essential to uphold parental rights and ensure they have a significant say in their children's education, fostering a collaborative partnership between schools and families.

Stacy Matula:


Participation in girls' sports and access to facilities should be based on biological sex to ensure fair competition and protect the integrity of women's sports. It's crucial to uphold fairness in athletics, preserving opportunities for female athletes to excel and thrive.

Stacy Matula:


Sex education should focus on providing accurate information about human biology and reproduction without promoting specific ideologies like transgender ideology. It's essential to ensure that sex education remains grounded in scientific facts and respects diverse perspectives and beliefs within the community.

Stacy Matula:


Parents should have easy access to information about the books and learning materials used for student instruction. Transparency fosters trust between schools and families, empowering parents to be actively involved in their children's education and make informed decisions about their learning.

Stacy Matula:


Parents should have the freedom to choose the school that best meets their child's needs, whether it's public, private, or homeschooling. School choice promotes competition, innovation, and accountability in education, ensuring that every child has access to high-quality learning opportunities tailored to their individual strengths and interests.

Stacy Matula:


Critical Race Theory should not be taught in schools. Instead, education should focus on promoting unity, understanding, and critical thinking skills without perpetuating divisive ideologies. It's essential to cultivate an inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued and respected, regardless of their race or background.

Stacy Matula:


Students' free speech and religious liberty rights must be protected, ensuring they are not compelled to violate their beliefs or participate in activities that conflict with their conscience. Upholding religious freedom fosters a diverse and inclusive school environment where students can express themselves authentically and respectfully engage with different perspectives.

Stacy Matula:


Students should be taught, at age-appropriate levels, about the value and dignity of every human life, including pre-born babies. It's essential to instill respect for life from an early age, nurturing a culture of compassion, empathy, and protection for the most vulnerable members of society.